Saturday, March 8, 2008

How to Create a Pro-McCain Blog

If you are a McCain supporter, you can also be a McCain blogger. Blogs are specifically designed so that users can publish online with out any technical expertise. Blogs help candidates get their message out and increase their buzz in cyberspace. If you like to write this is an ideal way to help Senator McCain. In reality one doesn't even need to be a writer to manage a blog as posts from other bloggers can be used. As long as you link to the original article this practice is welcome as it helps promote the writers article and blog. If you are new to blogs I recommend using to set up your blog. It's free and it's easy, and there's no commitment, which makes it worthwhile to least give blogging a try. All you need is an email address...

1. Go to and create an account. This simply consists of entering an email address and picking a password. You'll be sent a confirmation email, then you're set to go.

2. Pick a name and address for your blog. will let you know what names/addresses are available.

3. Choose a template. You'll be given several options for what your blog can look like. This can be modified or changed at any time.

4. Post a message. A simple welcome message will work.

That's it you have a functional blog that you can post to routinely. You can go under the layout tab and change and change page elements, or colors. You can provide more details about yourself under 'edit profile'. While there are a number of ways one can customize their blog that's completely optional. Simple blogs can be just as engaging and effective as highly customized blogs.

*Two suggestions: Join the McCain Blog Roll . This is done by selecting 'Add a Page Element' under the template/layout tab, choosing the HTML/JavaScript option, and copying and pasting a piece of code into the given box. Second go to sign up for an account then 'Claim Your Blog'. This will help people find your blog, and will help the other blogs that you choose to link to.

**If looking for material to publish you may also want to look at McCain Blogger Resources for articles to use in your blog, or use the sites listed in the McCain Blog Roll to find articles.


Stop Obama Express said...

ALL ABOARD! The Stop Obama Express. A great site for Anti-Obama Fun, videos, pictures, quotes and more. Check it out at

gecko4596 said...

You know what? Check out gecko4596 at e b a y. I have these bumper stickers with the international symbol for "No" (Circle with a slash (/)) and the letters B O. As in NOBO. I have one on my car and am constantly getting great comments. Thanks.